About the Food Pantry

voorheesville new york food pantry at st. matthew's church

The New Scotland Community Food Pantry (NSCFP) is an all-volunteer community-based organization dedicated to serving those in need.


The pantry operates under the guiding principle that neighbor helping neighbor strengthens the fabric and resiliency of our community.


The food pantry is stocked with items purchased from the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern NY, from community food drives and individual donations.  We offer several different programs to assist our community members in need including emergency assistance, food assistance and ongoing services for qualified clients.


To learn more or request assistance please contact us.

Our Mission

Our mission is to assure a strong community fabric through loving our neighbors as ourselves, feeding the hungry and caring for those in need.

  • The pantry is a non-denominational organization, which encourages volunteer participation from all members of the community.
  • The New Scotland Community Food Pantry is an equal opportunity provider.

Our Principal Functions

  • local new scotland new york food pantry servicesOperate and maintain a Food Pantry “Store” where clients can “shop” for food (at no cost) in privacy.
  • Coordinate and support Thanksgiving and December Holiday meal and children’s gift programs
  • Provide other assistance and referrals as needed for our client households
  • Maintain a client assistance hotline (518-765-3806) and client intake process
  • Coordinate food drives
  • Coordinate volunteer activities and logistics
  • Provide general administrative, fund raising and reporting activities as needed to support all of the above

Our Volunteer Positions

Current volunteer needs. These can vary according to positions required by Pantry Operations.

Ongoing Positions


A caregiver is assigned to each pantry client and is responsible for arranging times to shop at the pantry store in private once a month. They also act as an intermediary between pantry programs (e.g. Holiday Meals) and the client, assuring their anonymity.  Time required per month is about 1.5 hours.

NOTE: Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older and must take specific training.

Hotline Support

The volunteer calls the hotline service once a day to check messages left on it; determines the type of call (e.g. a person in need of food assistance); returns the call and takes down needed information; and finally, hands off the information to the appropriate person/role in the pantry who then follows up in response to the call. The volunteer would also monitor the pantry’s website email folder for incoming requests and forward the note to the appropriate Pantry volunteer role for processing. Multiple volunteers in this role serve to cover each other and alternate responsibility for monitoring the hot-line, say on a weekly basis. The call monitoring process can occur from any location. The volunteer can expect to field between 0-3 calls per week.

NOTE: Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older and must take specific training.

Website Posting Support

The volunteer would be responsible for posting news events and commentary on the Pantries website blog as well as keeping the pantry calendar of events up to date. Time required per week is about 30 minutes.

NOTE: Volunteers must be 18 years of age.

Community Outreach Coordinator

Volunteers serving in this role are responsible for:

  • Distribution of pantry literature and pamphlets in locations where they are most likely to inform potential clients of the pantry’s programs.
  • Promoting the pantry programs by working with various public facing web sites to keep pantry information up to date.
  • Attending meetings with other community based organizations, networking and providing information on the pantry programs.
  • Written and phone correspondence with donors and other benefactors.
  • Assist with promotion of seasonal pantry programs to the community at large (holiday meal programs, school supply program, etc.).

Time required per month is about 3 hours.

NOTE: Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older.

Volunteer Intake Coordinator

The pantry often fields requests from persons interested in volunteering to assist the pantry. Volunteers serving in this role will be responsible for.

  • Being familiar with pantry operations, functions and roles.
  • Understanding the duties and responsibilities of key pantry roles.
  • Understanding the current needs for volunteers in specific roles.
  • Follow up on calls, emails and other correspondence from prospective volunteers.
  • Providing general pantry overview information as well as role-specific duties and responsibilities to prospective volunteers.
  • Meeting with prospective volunteers as needed.
  • Solicitation of prospective volunteer interests in serving is specific roles.
  • Hand off of volunteer requests to the appropriate operational staff within the pantry organization.
  • Tracking disposition and hand-off of volunteer requests.

Time required per month is about 1-3 hours.

NOTE: Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older.

Short Term Seasonal Volunteer Position



Training, mentoring and detailed written protocols will be provided.

Board of Directors

New Scotland Community Food Pantry Board
Name   Role
Chairperson Ivan Gotham
Secretary Albert Stella
Treasurer Dennis Ulion
Food Pantry Coordinator Wake Gardner
Asst. Pantry Coordinator Joan Blair
Client-Caregiver Coordinator Ivan Gotham
Asst. Client Coordinator Lorie Holtgrave
Asst. Caregiver Coordinator Kevin Dwyer
Food Drive Coordinator Judy Douglas
Pantry Program Coordinators
·       Thanksgiving Meal Program Ruth Wakefield
·       December Meal Program Ernie Papa
·       Children’s Gift Program Millie Selby
·       Fuel Stipend Ivan Gotham
Dennis Ulion
·       School  Supply Ivan Gotham
Dennis Ulion
Development Coordinator Marguerite  Teuten
Stocker and Inventory Volunteer Coordinator Joanne Justice
Capital District Food Pantries Representatives Joanne Justice
Wake Gardner
Security Administrator Millie Selby
Community and Volunteer Intake Coordinator Open


NSCFP partners with:

  • Regional Food Bank of Northeastern NY
  • Food Pantries of the Capital District.
  • St. Matthew’s Church
  • Voorheesville Library
  • New Scotland Presbyterian Church
  • Voorheesville First United Methodist church
  • Voorheesville School District & local Boy and Girl Scouts
  • Voorheesville Hannaford
  • Atlas Copco
  • American Legion Post 1493